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Nanjing ante Medical Equipment Co., Ltd

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Company profile
1995年成立,在全球拥有超过24万员工, 2019年总收入超过1127亿人民币。 世界纯电和插电式混合汽车的领导者,从2015年到2018年新能源车销量位居世界第一。 全球领先的电子产品制造商,可以为客户提供包括设计、研发、制造、物流及售后等“一站式”服务,拥有众多知名客户,包括苹果,三星,华为,微软,诺基亚等。 在全球有超过33个制造基地以及40个分支机构,包括亚洲,欧洲,北美,南美和澳大利亚等。 医疗产业介绍: 本次参展产品:口罩、医疗健康耗材、核酸检测配套设施、柔性生物电子、美容仪、丁腈手套、一次性使用无菌注射器、采样管、咽拭子、PCR联管等医疗产品。展示强大的OEM、ODM能力:凭借强大的研发力、制造力与创新力,比亚迪电子能够在极短的时间内完成医疗健康产品的产线布局并快速实现量产。用加工高端精密产品的设备及要求去加工医疗健康产品,产品精度、质量各方面都将远高于行业标准。 比亚迪电子未来将不断开发更多医疗健康产品,使之受益于家庭、生活、医院。比亚迪电子期待与更多客户展开深度合作,为客户提供专业化的医疗产品开发解决方案,共同开拓行业新风向,见证产业新未来。
Exhibition of exhibits
  • Ultrasound Resona 8

    Taking "whole case technical service" and "whole case technology implementation" as the main market service mode, it serves all fields of food industry in an all-round way. In the field of public health, "Jianzhisu" series products have been widely used in the market of schools, railways, civil aviation, customs, inspection and quarantine, military, hotels and hotels, etc., and has become the leading product and leading enterprise of emergency material storage, public health emergencies and natural disasters.

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  • Se-301 multichannel electrocardiograph

    Taking "whole case technical service" and "whole case technology implementation" as the main market service mode, it serves all fields of food industry in an all-round way. In the field of public health, "Jianzhisu" series products have been widely used in the market of schools, railways, civil aviation, customs, inspection and quarantine, military, hotels and hotels, etc., and has become the leading product and leading enterprise of emergency material storage, public health emergencies and natural disasters.

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  • Total oral solution

    Taking "whole case technical service" and "whole case technology implementation" as the main market service mode, it serves all fields of food industry in an all-round way. In the field of public health, "Jianzhisu" series products have been widely used in the market of schools, railways, civil aviation, customs, inspection and quarantine, military, hotels and hotels, etc., and has become the leading product and leading enterprise of emergency material storage, public health emergencies and natural disasters.

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  • Overall solution of digital operating room

    Taking "whole case technical service" and "whole case technology implementation" as the main market service mode, it serves all fields of food industry in an all-round way. In the field of public health, "Jianzhisu" series products have been widely used in the market of schools, railways, civil aviation, customs, inspection and quarantine, military, hotels and hotels, etc., and has become the leading product and leading enterprise of emergency material storage, public health emergencies and natural disasters.

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